Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 9:00 A.M., Third Floor, Courthouse, Fremont, Nebraska


1.            Call to Order at 9:00 A.M. - Roll Call


2.            Legality of meeting 2.pdf


3.            Approval of agenda


4.            Approval of minutes of the September 22, 2021 meeting 4.pdf


5.            Recess as a Board of Supervisors


6.            At 9:05 A.M., convene as a Board of Corrections


7.            Any items of discussion


8.            Adjournment of Board of Corrections until Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 9:05 A.M.


9.            Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


10.         Approval of wage and hour claims


11.         Consideration of transfer of funds from Inheritance Tax Fund to the Flood Control Fund in the amount of $140,000 (Amount to be returned to the Inheritance Tax Fund when grant monies are received)


12.         Approval of financial claims


13.         County Officials’ Reports

a.    Building Inspection/Zoning Dept. (Sept. 2021) 13a.pdf       $   3,303.64

b.    Building Inspection Dept. (Sept. 2021) (Everett Township – Reimbursement of Rock paid out of Flood)       13b.pdf                                              $ 30,101.89

c.    Highway Department (Sept. 2021) 13c.pdf                           $   2,260.10

d.    County Clerk (Sept. 2021) 13d.pdf

                             i.    Copies                                                                                 $      504.00

                            ii.    Marriage Licenses                                                            $      500.00


14.         Receipt of correspondence from Charter Communications regarding a change in channel lineup 14.pdf


15.         Fremont Community Health Resources:

a.    Receipt of FY2021 Audited Financial Statements 15a.pdf

b.    Board of Trustees Minutes for August 9, 2021 meeting 15b.pdf

c.    Statement of Revenues & Expenses YTD Comparison for the twelve months ending June 30, 2021 and 2020 15c.pdf

d.    Statement of Revenues & Expenses YTD Comparison for the one month ending July 31, 2021 and 2020 15d.pdf

e.    Statement of Revenues & Expenses YTD Comparison, Profit & Loss Budget Performance and Balance Sheet for the two months ending August 31, 2021 and 2020 15e.pdf


16.         Receipt of correspondence from Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) regarding an extension approval to complete work on DR4420 (2019 Flood) Project 673, 935 Schneider Building until March 21, 2022 16.pdf


17.         Any business brought by the public or discussion from the public?


18.         Any emergency item to the Agenda?


19.         Jean Andrews, Zoning Administrator

a.    Receipt of Minutes of the September 21, 2021 Dodge County Planning Commission Meeting 19a.pdf

b.    Receipt of Minutes of the September 22, 2021 Dodge County Safety Committee Meeting 19b.pdf

c.    Receipt of Certificate of Insurance for Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 19c.pdf

d.    At 9:30 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Chad Christianson of 1335 County Road 19, Fremont, NE 68025 to renew a Conditional Use Permit to store and apply Biosolids as per Article 13 Section 2.18 Conditional Uses and Article 25 Supplemental Regulations, Section 22 Industrial Wastewater-Biosolids located in NW ¼ Section 2, Township 18 North, Range 8 East in Nickerson Township, Zoning District A-2, General Ag 19d.pdf

                             i.    Testimony for/against the request

                            ii.    Possible Action

e.    At 9:35 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Chad Christianson of 1335 County Road 19, Fremont, NE 68025 to obtain a Conditional Use Permit to store and apply Biosolids as per Article 13 Section 2.18 Conditional Uses and Article 25 Supplemental Regulations, Section 22 Industrial Wastewater-Biosolids located in East ½ of SW ¼ Section 13, Township 18 North, Range 8 East in Maple Township, Zoning District A-2, General Ag 19e.pdf

                             i.    Testimony for/against the request

                            ii.    Possible Action

f.     At 9:40 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Kevin Hasemann of 1229 Glenwood Court, Fremont, NE 68025 to subdivide a 6.05 acre tract and obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an existing dwelling as per Article 12, Section 4.2 Exemptions B located in NW ¼ Section 16, Township 20 North, Range 7 East in Cuming Township, Zoning District A-1, Intensive Ag 19f.pdf

                             i.    Testimony for/against the request

                            ii.    Possible Action

g.    At 9:45 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Kenneth Hasemann of 1 Pioneer Lake, North Bend, NE 68649 to subdivide a 5.03 acre tract and obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an existing dwelling as per Article 12, Section 4.2 Exemptions B located in NW ¼ Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 8 East in Logan Township, Zoning District A-1, Intensive Ag 19g.pdf

                             i.    Testimony for/against the request

                            ii.    Possible Action


h.    At 9:50 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Estate of Gloria F. Wegner of 759 County Road E, Scribner, NE 68057 to subdivide a 12.70 acre tract and obtain a Conditional Use Permit for an existing dwelling as per Article 12, Section 4.2 Exemptions B located in West ½ NE ¼ Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 6 East in Pebble Township, Zoning District A-1, Intensive Ag 19h.pdf

                             i.    Testimony for/against the request

                            ii.    Possible Action


20.         Scott Huppert, Highway Superintendent

a.    Receipt of Moving Permit for Barnhart Crane to move a self-propelled crane over county roads 20a.pdf

b.    Receipt of Minutes of the September 23, 2021 Dodge County Highway Department Safety Committee Meeting 20b.pdf

c.    Receipt of Certificates of Insurance for Cooney Fertilizer Inc. and Elkhorn Township 20c.pdf

d.    Consideration/Possible action on financial documents for the purchase of a new Caterpillar 150 AWD motor grader requiring the signature of the County Board Chairman 20d.pdf

e.    Consider request from JDJ Investments, LLC to re-open a portion of Jones Street located in the NW ¼ of Section 25, Township 17 North, Range 8 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, NE 20e.pdf


21.         Committee Reports


22.         Consideration of going into closed session to discuss general assistance claims for the month of September 2021

a.    Consideration of going back into open session from discussion of the claims

b.    Possible action on any of the claims


23.         Any additional items to the Agenda


24.         Adjourn as a Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at

9:00 A.M.


25.         At 10:00 A.M., convene as a Board of Equalization


26.         Tax roll corrections*


27.         Consideration/possible action on a Resolution setting the 2021-2022 Tax Levies for various Political Subdivisions in Dodge County


28.         Receipt of 2021 Application for Exemption (Form 457) from Methodist Fremont Health, 450 E. 23rd St., Fremont, Nebraska on a 2017 Ford Escape and possible action 28.pdf


29.         Receipt of 2021 Application for Exemption (Form 457) from Methodist Fremont Health, 450 E. 23rd St., Fremont, Nebraska on a 2020 Toyota Sienna LE and possible action 29.pdf


30.         Adjournment of Board of Equalization until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, October 20, 2021




*copies in board room or county clerk’s office