Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 9:00 A.M., Third Floor, Courthouse, Fremont, Nebraska


1.            Call to Order at 9:00 A.M. – Roll Call


2.            Legality of Meeting  2.pdf


3.            Approval of agenda


4.            Approval of minutes of the April 19, 2023 meeting 4.pdf


5.            Recess as a Board of Supervisors


6.            At 9:05 A.M., convene as a Board of Corrections


7.            Any items of discussion


8.            Adjournment of Board of Corrections until Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 9:05 A.M.


9.            Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


10.         Approval of wage & hour claims


11.         Approval of financial claims


12.         County Officials’ Reports:

a.    Building Inspection/Zoning Dept. (April 2023) 12a.pdf        $    6,127.92

b.    Highway Department (April 2023) 12b.pdf                            $  62,111.28

c.    Emergency Management (April 2023) 12c.pdf                     $136,983.73

d.    County Clerk (April 2023) 12d.pdf                                                      

i.     Copies                                                                             $       343.50

ii.    Badge Applications                                                       $         70.00

iii.  Marriage Licenses                                                         $       675.00


13.         Receipt of Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare 2023-2024 budget request in the amount of $97,496 13.pdf


14.         Receipt of Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District 2023-2024 annual membership request in the amount of $915.00 14.pdf


15.         Approval to purchase a speaker system (estimate of $9,969.68) and a projector (estimate of $1,379.97) for the Dodge County Board of Supervisors’ boardroom (Total estimate $11,349.65) using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds

Note: The funding for these items was approved at the 4/19/23 meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors 15.pdf


16.         Discussion and possible action creating a special committee to address the distribution of funds that have been and will be received by Dodge County from the opioid settlements


17.         Any business brought by the public or discussion from the public?


18.         Any emergency item to the Agenda?


19.         Committee Reports


20.         Jean Andrews, Zoning Administrator

a.    Receipt of Certificates of Insurance for Arvest Bank iSAOA/ATIMA for Dodge County’s (2) Cat Steer Skid Loaders leased from Caterpiller 20a.pdf

b.    Receipt of Minutes of the April 18, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting 20b.pdf

c.    Receipt of Notice of Public Hearings for the City of Fremont Planning Commission to hear the following: A request by Mayor Spellerberg for a change to the text of the Unified Development code to establish a Port Authority Zoning District adding the district to Sections 11-403, 11-502, 11-603, 11-814 and 11-815 of the Fremont Municipal Code and for a Change of Zone from R, Rural to PA, Port Authority on property generally described as lying between Highway 275 on the east; the Union Pacific Railroad on the north and the south section line of Section 29, T17N, R9E and 28, T17N, R9E Dodge County, Nebraska 20c.pdf

d.    Receipt of Notice of Public Hearings for the City of Fremont Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive thru restaurant, change of zone and landscape waiver by Justin Crawford on behalf of SCM 10X Fremont 23A for a Change of Zone from SC, Suburban Commercial to GC, General Commercial on property described as Lot 1 of west half of Lot 2, Diers 6th Addition, Fremont, NE; A request by the Director of Planning for a Change of Zone from SC, Suburban Commercial to GC, General Commercial on property described as Lot 1, Block 1, Diers 2nd Addition; Lot 2R1 and Lot 2R2, Diers Second Addition, Replat of Lot 2, Diers Second Addition, Replat of Block 2, Lots 1 and 2, Lot 1, Diers Section Addition, Replat of Block 2, Lots 1 & 2, Fremont, NE; A request by Justin Crawford for a waiver of side yard landscaping on property described as Lot 2, Diers 6th Addition, Fremont, NE; and a request by Justin Crawford for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-thru restaurant described as Lot 2, Diers 6th Addition 20d.pdf

e.    A 9:30 A.M., Public Hearing to consider the request of Kaup Produce, Inc. of 2225 Q Road, Fremont, NE 68025 to change zoning from C-1 Commercial to L-1 Light Industrial and to obtain a Conditional Use Permit on a 20.01-acre parcel located in West ½ NW ¼ Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 8 East in Nickerson Township, Dodge County 20e.pdf

i.     Testimony for/against the request

ii.    Possible Action

f.     Consideration/possible action on a Resolution to amend Dodge County Zoning Map from C-1, Commercial to L-1, Light Industrial for a 20.01-acre tract of land located in West ½ NW ¼ Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 8 East in Nickerson Township, Dodge County, NE 20f.pdf

g.    Reorganization of the Planning Commission: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary and possible action

h.    Consider the appointment/reappointment of the following members of the Dodge County Planning Commission whose terms expire May 31, 2023 and possible action: 20h.pdf

Brad Fooken

Matt Giesselmann

Tom Weitzenkamp


21.         Scott Huppert, Highway Superintendent

a.    Receipt of correspondence from the Nebraska Department of Transportation regarding Project S-77-2 (1087) Fremont Southwest Bridge; C.N. 13394B requesting feedback as to how the project impacts Dodge County and possible action 21a.pdf

b.    Receipt of Moving Permits for Barnhart Crane to move a self-propelled crane over county roads on April 17 thru April 20, 2023 and return and another to move on April 21, 2023 and one to move on April 24, 2023 21b.pdf

c.    Consideration/possible action on a complaint from Danny Karch (213 Queen Ave., Ames, NE 68621) regarding electrical damage done to his property as a result of a Dodge County Department of Roads employee inadvertently hitting an overhead powerline 21c.pdf


22.         Consideration of going into closed session to discuss general assistance claims

a.    Consideration of going back into open session from the discussion of the claims

b.    Possible action on any of the claims


23.         Recess as a Board of Supervisors


24.         At 10:00 A.M., convene as a Board of Equalization


25.         Consideration/possible action on tax roll corrections*


26.         Receipt of correspondence from the Tax Equalization and Review Commission (TERC) regarding Transcript for Dodge County Board of Equalization v the Kroger Company – TERC Case No. 20C 0124 & 21C 0385, Court of Appeals No. A-23-268 and possible action 26.pdf


27.         Adjournment of Board of Equalization until Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.


28.         Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


29.         Any additional items to the agenda


30.         Adjournment of Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 9:00 A.M.




*copies in board room or county clerk’s office