Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 9:00 A.M., Third Floor, Courthouse, Fremont, Nebraska


1.            Call to Order at 9:00 A.M. – Roll Call


2.            Legality of meeting 2.pdf


3.          Approval of agenda


4.          Approval of minutes of the June 5, 2019 meeting 4.pdf


5.          Recess as a Board of Supervisors


6.          At 9:05 A.M., convene as a Board of Corrections


7.          Any items of discussion


8.          Adjournment of Board of Corrections until Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 9:05 A.M.


9.          Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


10.       Flood Disaster of March 2019

a.            Consideration/possible action on Interlocal Agreement for the cost of sharing of the Flood Disaster of 2019 between Dodge County and Pebble Township 10a.pdf


11.       Approval of wage & hour claims


12.         Approval of financial claims


13.       County Officials’ Reports

a.            Register of Deeds (May 2019) 13a.pdf

                              i.  Preservation Fund                                     $2,226.00

                            ii.  General Fees                                            $13,358.00

                           iii.  County Deed Tax                                       $8,142.25

                           iv.  Copy Money                                                     $63.00

                            v.  Interest                                                                 $3.48

                           vi.  Website Copy Money                                 $1,000.00

                          vii.  State Deed Tax                                         $28,501.25

b.            Clerk of District Court (May 2019)             $4,398.95 13b.pdf

c.            Building Inspection/Zoning Department (May 2019)    $3,461.80 13c.pdf

d.            Highway Department, Road Fund (May 2019)                  $702.15 13d.pdf

e.            LifeHouse (May 2019) 13e.pdf


14.       Consideration/possible action on the request of County Treasurer Bargstadt to proceed with a refund to East Central District Health Department of Dodge County’s share in the amount of $3,567.10, due to taxes paid for 2017 when it should have been exempt 14.pdf


15.       Consideration of the request of the Dodge County Water Rescue Team for continued funding in the 2019/2020 County Budget in the amount of at least $5,000 and possible action 15.pdf


16.       Appointment of member to the Veteran Service Committee

a.            Receipt of letter from Alton K. Crook, Commander of Fremont VFW Post 854, on the recommendation of their VFW Post for his reappointment to the Dodge County Veterans Service Committee 16a.pdf

b.            Receipt of letter from Gerald A. Schulte, Commander of Post 122, on the recommendation of appointment of Nathan Luey to the Dodge County Veterans Service Committee 16b.pdf

                              i.  Consideration/possible action on the appointment/reappointment of member to the Veteran Service Committee to a 5-year term, expiring June 30, 2024 16i.pdf


17.       At 9:15 A.M., Scot Rosendahl, Wildlife Specialist, on the request for renewal of Agreement for Work/Financial Plan with United States Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services and possible action17.pdf


18.       Consideration of the request of Kyle Jensen, Donor Recruitment Account Manager for American Red Cross Blood Services, of a scheduled blood drive in the Courthouse on August 29, 2019 from 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. and possible action


19.       Any business brought by the public or discussion from the public?


20.       Any emergency item to the Agenda?


21.       Committee Reports


22.       Jean Andrews, Zoning Administrator

a.            Receipt of Notice of Public Hearing for City of Fremont Planning Commission for a Redevelopment Plan Amendment for Fremont Enterprises LLC for the 23rd & Bell area to be held on June 17, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. 22a.pdf

b.            Receipt of Notice of Public Hearing for City of Fremont Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit request by the Dodge County Historical Society to construct a carriage house exhibit building at the May Museum at 1643 North Nye Avenue to be held on June 17, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. 22b.pdf

c.            Receipt of Notice of Public Hearing for the City of Fremont Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit request by Capstone Development Group to allow for a 39 unit multi-family housing development known as Sunridge Apartments to be held on June 17, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. 22c.pdf


23.       Scott Huppert, Highway Superintendent

a.            Receipt of minutes of the Dodge County Highway Department Safety Committee meeting for the 2nd quarter held June 6, 2019 23a.pdf

b.            Receipt of Certificates of Insurance for Eveland Supply Co., Inc. & West Iowa Telephone Company 23b.pdf  23b-1.pdf

c.            Receipt of Moving Permit Application for Charles Lange Movers to move two grain bin roofs over county right-of-way on June 14, 2019 23c.pdf

d.            Receipt of Utility Installation Agreement for O.P.P.D. to install an overhead electric distribution line thru public right-of-way 23d.pdf


24.       At 9:45 A.M., consideration of going into closed session to discuss an appeal of the denial of the 3-time max in a calendar year of general assistance to a client

a.            Consideration of going back into open session from the discussion of the appeal

b.            Possible action


25.       Recess as a Board of Supervisors


26.       At 10:00 A.M., convene as a Board of Equalization


27.       Consideration/possible action on tax roll corrections*


28.       Receipt of 2019 valuation protests*


29.       Consideration of advertising any additional days to meet in July if needed to act on 2019 valuation protests


30.       Receipt of list from County Assessor Churchill of request for changes to valuations of parcels for 2019 and possible action approving and authorizing the County Clerk to mail notices to the owners of the properties 30.pdf


31.       Adjournment of Board of Equalization until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, July 3, 2019


32.       Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


33.       Any additional items to the agenda

a.            Under Board of Supervisors

                              i.  Consideration/possible action if needed on adjusting appropriations/claims to handle any department with a deficit in Fiscal Year 2018-2019

b.            Under Board of Equalization

                              i.  Receipt of 2019 Reports of Destroyed Real Property (forms 425)


34.       Adjournment of Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 9:00 A.M.


*copies in board room or county clerk’s office