Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 9:00 A.M., Third Floor, Courthouse, Fremont, Nebraska


1.            Call to Order at 9:00 A.M. – Roll Call


2.            Legality of meeting 2.pdf


3.            Approval of agenda


4.            Approval of minutes of the June 30, 2021 meeting 4.pdf


5.            Recess as a Board of Supervisors


6.            At 9:05 A.M., convene as a Board of Corrections


7.            Any items of discussion


8.            Adjournment of Board of Corrections until Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 9:05 A.M.


9.            Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


10.         Approval of wage & hour claims


11.         Approval of financial claims


12.         County Officials’ Reports

a.    County Clerk (June 2021) 12a.pdf

i.     Copies                                                                             $       315.50

ii.    Marriage Licenses                                                         $       500.00

b.    Clerk of District Court (June 2021) 12b.pdf                           $  11,189.67

c.    Building Inspection/Zoning Dept. (June 2021) 12c.pdf       $    3,847.44

d.    Building Inspection/Zoning Dept. (June 2021) (Deposited into General Building Fund) 12d.pdf                                                                 $  14,590.00

e.    Highway Department (June 2021) 12e.pdf                            $314,349.58


13.         Receipt of Fremont Community Health Resources Board of Trustees operating budget for fiscal year July 2021 – June 2022 13.pdf


14.         Receipt of correspondence from Nebraska State Probation, Sixth Probation District, Patty Lyon, Chief Probation Officer, regarding Probation – Quarterly County Billings 2020/2021 and reimbursement of expenses to Dodge County for the period April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 14.pdf


15.         Receipt of Professional Services Agreement between the City of North Bend and JEO Consulting Group for North Bend Levee Easement Preparation and possible action approving Dodge County’s commitment to pay 1/3 of the $39,000 fee ($13,000) 15.pdf


16.         Receipt of Professional Services Agreement between Dodge County and JEO Consulting Group for Elkhorn Township Drainage Improvement – Project DR4420-0019 and possible action authorizing Chairman Missel to sign the contract 16.pdf


17.         Consideration of going into closed session to discuss general assistance claims for the month of June 2021

a.    Consideration of going back into open session from the discussion of the claims

b.    Possible action on any of the claims


18.         Any business brought by the public or discussion from the public?


19.         Any emergency item to the Agenda?


20.         Committee Reports


21.         Jean Andrews, Zoning Administrator

a.    Receipt of Certificate of Insurance for Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, Inc. 21a.pdf

b.    Receipt of NIRMA Safety Shorts for July 2021 21b.pdf

c.    Receipt of correspondence from NDEE regarding letter of non-compliance for failure to register an onsite wastewater treatment system serving a dwelling at 1580 County Road 11, North Bend, NE within 45 days of installation 21c.pdf


22.         Scott Huppert, Highway Superintendent

a.    Receipt of Utility Installation Agreements with NE Conservation & Survey Division to do 4 borings along County Road 17 between County Road R and Highway 30 and OPPD to install underground electrical cable at the NE corner Section 23, T19N, R7E 22a.pdf

b.    Receipt of Private Utility Installation Agreement with Certified Testing Services, Inc. 22b.pdf

c.    Receipt of Certificates of Insurance for Certified Testing Services Incorporated and Black Hills Corporation 22c.pdf

d.    Receipt of Minutes of the June 29, 2021 Highway Department Safety Committee meeting 22d.pdf

e.    Consideration of three (3) copies of the contract for Yager Road Project 636 received from Speece Lewis Engineers and possible action authorizing Chairman Missel to sign the contracts 22e.pdf


23.         Recess as a Board of Supervisors


24.         At 10:00 A.M., convene as a Board of Equalization


25.         Consideration/possible action on tax roll corrections*


26.         Consideration/possible action on the requests for a waiver of the deadline of 2021 applications for homestead exemptions according to statute 77-3512 for the following applicants:

a.    Joan D. Anderson

b.    Christine O. Miller


27.         Receipt of July 14, 2021 Board Notices from County Assessor Churchill for changes to valuations of parcels for 2021 and possible action approving and authorizing the County Clerk to mail notices to the owners of the properties*


28.         Receipt of 2021 Valuation Protests*


29.         Adjournment of Board of Equalization until Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 9:00 A.M.


30.         Reconvene as a Board of Supervisors


31.         Any additional items to the agenda


32.         Adjournment of Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 9:00 A.M.




*copies in board room or county clerk’s office