The Dodge County Highway Department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of county roads as well as the installation and extension of culverts and the construction and maintenance of county bridges. The department issues public and private utility installation permits when the need arises. The county requires landowners to mow their roadsides two times a year between July 15th and August 15th to eliminate drifting of snow in winter. The landowner is also responsible for controlling the growth of trees and brush bordering the public roads to assist in the vision of the traveling public as well as controlling their sprinkler irrigation system from crossing county roads creating a hazard to the traveling public. For more information, please contact the department at (402) 727-2722 or e-mail us at

Highway Superintendent

Scott Huppert
435 N Park
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 727-2722

County Road Map
Notice to Landowners Along Rural Roads 

Dodge County Utility Installation Agreement